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PC 84 ratanasikkhāpadaṃ

yo pana bhikkhu ratanaṃ vā ratanasammataṃ vā aññatra ajjhārāmā vā ajjhāvasathā vā uggaṇheyya vā uggaṇhāpeyya vā, pācittiyaṃ.
ratanaṃ vā pana bhikkhunā ratanasammataṃ vā ajjhārāme vā ajjhāvasathe vā uggahetvā vā uggahāpetvā vā nikkhipitabbaṃ
yassa bhavissati, so harissatī’ti, ayaṃ tattha sāmīci, ayaṃ tattha sāmīci.

yo pana bhikkhu ratanaṃ vā ratanasammataṃ vā aññatra ajjhārāmā vā ajjhāvasathā vā uggaṇheyya vā uggaṇhāpeyya vā, pācittiyaṃ.
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
yo pron masc nom sg of ya whichever, whoever
pana ind then, now, so, but
bhikkhu noun masc nom sg, from bhikkhati, comp monk, monastic beggar, mendicant √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u
ratanaṃ noun nt acc sg of ratana jewel
ind conj or, either or
ratanasammataṃ noun nt acc sg of ratanasammata, comp considered valuable ratana + sammata kammadhāraya ratana + sammata
- ratana noun nt jewel
- sammataṃ pp nt acc sg of sammata considered to be, thought to be, regarded as thought together √man (think) saṃ + √man + ta
ind conj or, either or
aññatra ind ind, adv +abl apart (from), except (for) other (than) añña + tra
ajjhārāmā noun masc abl sg of ajjhārāma, comp (apart) from inside the monastery adhi + ārāma kammadhāraya adhi + ārāma
ind conj or, either or
ajjhāvasathā noun masc abl sg of ajjhāvasatha, comp (apart) from inside the dwelling adhi + āvasatha kammadhāraya adhi + āvasatha
ind conj or, either or
uggaṇheyya verb opt 3rd sg of uggaṇhāti he should pick up, accept takes up √gah (grasp) √gah + ṇhā > gaṇhā ud + gaṇhā + ti
ind conj or, either or
uggaṇhāpeyya verb opt 3rd sg of uggaṇhāpeti he should make (somebody) pick up, accept causes to take up √gah (grasp) √gah + ṇhā + āpe > gaṇhāpe ud + gaṇhāpe + ti
ind conj or, either or
pācittiyaṃ adj nt nom sg of pācittiya +loc requiring confession

ratanaṃ vā pana bhikkhunā ratanasammataṃ vā ajjhārāme vā ajjhāvasathe vā uggahetvā vā uggahāpetvā vā nikkhipitabbaṃ
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
ratanaṃ noun nt acc sg of ratana jewel
ind conj or, either or
pana ind then, now, so, but
bhikkhunā noun masc instr sg of bhikkhu, from bhikkhati, comp by a monk, monastic beggar, mendicant √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u
ratanasammataṃ noun nt acc sg of ratanasammata, comp considered valuable ratana + sammata kammadhāraya ratana + sammata
ind conj or, either or
ajjhārāme noun masc loc sg of ajjhārāma, comp inside the monastery adhi + ārāma kammadhāraya adhi + ārāma
ind conj or, either or
ajjhāvasathe noun masc loc sg of ajjhāvasatha, comp inside the dwelling adhi + āvasatha kammadhāraya adhi + āvasatha
ind conj or, either or
uggahetvā verb abs of uggaṇhāti having picked up having taken up √gah (grasp) √gah + ṇhā > gaṇhe ud + gaṇhe + tvā
ind conj or, either or
uggahāpetvā verb abs of uggaṇhāpeti having made (somebody) pick up having caused to take up √gah (grasp) √gah + ṇhā + āpe > gaṇhāpe ud + gaṇhāpe + tvā
ind conj or, either or
nikkhipitabbaṃ ptp nt nom sg of nikkhipitabba can be stored, kept to be thrown down √khip (throw) ni + √khip + itabba

yassa bhavissati, so harissatī’ti, ayaṃ tattha sāmīci, ayaṃ tattha sāmīci.
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
yassa pron masc gen sg of ya whoever's of whoever
bhavissati verb fut 3rd sg of bhavati there will be √bhū (be) √bhū + a > bhava bhava + ti
so pron masc nom sg of ta he, that
harissatīti comp sandhi, fut + ind harissati + iti
- harissati verb fut 3rd sg of harati he will take he will carry √har (carry) √har + a > hara hara + issa + ti
- iti ind “” thus
ayaṃ pron fem nom sg of ima this
tattha ind adv, from ta there ta + ttha
sāmīci noun fem nom sg right thing to do, correct course, proper procedure