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PC 33 paramparabhojanasikkhāpadaṃ

paramparabhojane aññatra samayā pācittiyaṃ.
tatth'āyaṃ samayo, gilānasamayo, cīvaradānasamayo, cīvarakārasamayo, ayaṃ tattha samayo.

paramparabhojane aññatra samayā pācittiyaṃ.
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
paramparabhojane noun nt loc of paramparabhojana, comp meals in succession; eating one meal before the other paramparā + bhojana kammadhāraya paramparā + bhojana
- parampara adj nt, comp in succession; one after another next and next paraṃ + parā
- bhojane noun nt loc of bhojana in eating, consuming √bhuj (eat, enjoy) √bhuj + *ana
aññatra ind ind, adv +abl apart (from), except (for) other (than) añña + tra
samayā noun masc abl sg of samaya from the right time, proper occasion from come together √i (come, go) saṃ + √i > ay + *a
pācittiyaṃ adj nt nom sg of pācittiya +loc requiring confession

tatth'āyaṃ samayo, gilānasamayo, cīvaradānasamayo, cīvarakārasamayo, ayaṃ tattha samayo.
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
tatthāyaṃ comp sandhi, adv + pron in this case this there this tattha + ayaṃ
samayo noun masc nom sg of samaya the right time, proper occasion come together √i (come, go) saṃ + √i > ay + *a
gilānasamayo noun masc nom sg of gilānasamaya, comp time of sickness gilāna + samaya genitive tappurisa gilānassa + samaya
cīvaradānasamayo noun masc nom sg of cīvaradānasamaya, comp time offering robe (cloth) cīvara + dāna + samaya genitive tappurisa cīvaradānassa + samaya
cīvarakārasamayo noun masc nom sg of cīvarakārasamaya, comp time of robe making cīvarakāra + samaya genitive tappurisa cīvarakārassa + samaya
ayaṃ pron fem nom sg of ima this
tattha ind adv, from ta there ta + ttha
samayo noun masc nom sg of samaya the right time, proper occasion come together √i (come, go) saṃ + √i > ay + *a