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NP nissaggiyapācittiyā

ime kho pan'āyasmanto tiṃsa nissaggiyā pācittiyā dhammā uddesaṃ āgacchanti.
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uddiṭṭhā kho āyasmanto tiṃsa nissaggiyā pācittiyā dhammā. tatth'āyasmante pucchāmi, kacci'ttha parisuddhā, dutiyam'pi pucchāmi, kacci'ttha parisuddhā, tatiyam'pi pucchāmi, kacci'ttha parisuddhā, parisuddh'etth'āyasmanto, tasmā tuṇhī, evam'etaṃ dhārayāmī'ti.
tiṃsa nissaggiyā pācittiyā dhammā niṭṭhitā

ime kho pan'āyasmanto tiṃsa nissaggiyā pācittiyā dhammā uddesaṃ āgacchanti.
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
ime pron masc nom pl of ima these
kho ind emph truly, indeed, then
panāyasmanto comp sandhi, ind + masc and venerables pana + āyasmanto
tiṃsa card fem nom sg of tiṃsā thirty ti + dasa
nissaggiyā ptp masc nom pl of nissaggiya involving relinquishment to be given up √sajj (relinquish, let loose) ni + √sajj > sagg + iya
pācittiyā adj masc nom pl of pācittiya requiring confessing
dhammā noun masc nom pl of dhamma cases, laws, rules holdings, supports √dhar (hold) √dhar + ma
uddesaṃ noun masc acc sg of uddesa, from uddisati recitation, chanting pointing up √dis (point out, explain) ud + √dis + *a
āgacchanti verb pr 3rd pl of āgacchati +acc they arrive, they are coming up (for) arrive √gam (go) √gam + a > gaccha (irreg) ā + gaccha + ti

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pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction

uddiṭṭhā kho āyasmanto tiṃsa nissaggiyā pācittiyā dhammā. tatth'āyasmante pucchāmi, kacci'ttha parisuddhā, dutiyam'pi pucchāmi, kacci'ttha parisuddhā, tatiyam'pi pucchāmi, kacci'ttha parisuddhā, parisuddh'etth'āyasmanto, tasmā tuṇhī, evam'etaṃ dhārayāmī'ti.
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
uddiṭṭhā pp masc nom pl of uddiṭṭha, pp of uddisati recited, chanted pointed up √dis (point out, explain) ud + √dis + ta
kho ind emph truly, indeed, then
āyasmanto noun masc voc pl of āyasmant venerables having long life āyas + mant
tiṃsa card fem nom sg of tiṃsā thirty ti + dasa
nissaggiyā ptp masc nom pl of nissaggiya involving relinquishment to be given up √sajj (relinquish, let loose) ni + √sajj > sagg + iya
pācittiyā adj masc nom pl of pācittiya requiring confessing
dhammā noun masc nom pl of dhamma cases, laws, rules holdings, supports √dhar (hold) √dhar + ma
tatthāyasmante comp sandhi, adv + masc in that case the venerables tattha + āyasmante
pucchāmi verb pr 1st sg of pucchati I ask, I am asking √pucch (ask) √pucch + a > puccha puccha + ti
kaccittha comp sandhi, ind + adv (or) ind + pr I trust in this case, (or) I trust you all are kacci + ettha or kacci + attha
parisuddhā pp masc nom pl of parisuddha, pp of parisujjhati pure, innocent purified √sudh (be pure) pari + √sudh + ta
dutiyampi comp sandhi, adv + ind and for the second time dutiyaṃ + api
pucchāmi verb pr 1st sg of pucchati I ask, I am asking √pucch (ask) √pucch + a > puccha puccha + ti
kaccittha comp sandhi, ind + adv (or) ind + pr I trust in this case, (or) I trust you all are kacci + ettha or kacci + attha
parisuddhā pp masc nom pl of parisuddha, pp of parisujjhati pure, innocent purified √sudh (be pure) pari + √sudh + ta
tatiyampi comp sandhi, adv + ind and for the third time tatiyaṃ + api
pucchāmi verb pr 1st sg of pucchati I ask, I am asking √pucch (ask) √pucch + a > puccha puccha + ti
kaccittha comp sandhi, ind + adv (or) ind + pr I trust in this case, (or) I trust you all are kacci + ettha or kacci + attha
parisuddhā pp masc nom pl of parisuddha, pp of parisujjhati pure, innocent purified √sudh (be pure) pari + √sudh + ta
parisuddhetthāyasmanto comp sandhi, pp + adv + masc the venerables (are) pure in this regard the long lived ones are pure here parisuddhā + ettha + āyasmanto
tasmā ind adv, abl sg of ta therefore from that ta + smā
tuṇhī ind adv silent, silence, silently
evametaṃ comp sandhi, adv + pron therefore this thus this evaṃ + etaṃ
dhārayāmi verb pr 1st sg of dhārayati +acc I take, I believe, I keep in mind bear, carry √dhar (wear, hold, carry) √dhar + *aya > dhāraya dhāraya + ti

tiṃsa nissaggiyā pācittiyā dhammā niṭṭhitā
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
tiṃsa card fem nom sg of tiṃsā thirty ti + dasa
nissaggiyā ptp masc nom pl of nissaggiya involving relinquishment to be given up √sajj (relinquish, let loose) ni + √sajj > sagg + iya
pācittiyā adj masc nom pl of pācittiya requiring confessing
dhammā noun masc nom pl of dhamma cases, laws, rules holdings, supports √dhar (hold) √dhar + ma
niṭṭhitā pp masc nom pl of niṭṭhita finished √ṭhā (stand) ni + √ṭhā + ita