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PC 34 kāṇamātusikkhāpadaṃ

bhikkhuṃ pan'eva kulaṃ upagataṃ pūvehi vā manthehi vā abhihaṭṭhuṃ pavāreyya, ākaṅkhamānena bhikkhunā dvattipattapūrā paṭiggahetabbā.
tato ce uttari paṭiggaṇheyya, pācittiyaṃ. dvattipattapūre paṭiggahetvā tato nīharitvā bhikkhūhi saddhiṃ saṃvibhajitabbaṃ, ayaṃ tattha sāmīci.

bhikkhuṃ pan'eva kulaṃ upagataṃ pūvehi vā manthehi vā abhihaṭṭhuṃ pavāreyya, ākaṅkhamānena bhikkhunā dvattipattapūrā paṭiggahetabbā.
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
bhikkhuṃ noun masc acc sg, from bhikkhati monk, monastic beggar, mendicant √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u
paneva comp sandhi, ind + ind and just, and now pana + eva
kulaṃ noun nt nom sg of kula household, family close together √kul (be close) √kul + a
upagataṃ pp nt nom sg of upagata approached, gone to gone near √gam (go) upa + √gam + ta
pūvehi noun masc instr pl of pūva with cakes
ind conj or, either or
manthehi noun masc instr pl of mantha with biscuits crushed √manth (shake, crush) √manth + e
ind conj or, either or
abhihaṭṭhuṃ inf inf of abhiharati to take away √har (carry) abhi + √har + tuṃ
pavāreyya verb opt 3rd sg of pavāreti he would invite √var (wish, choose) √var + *e > vāre pa + vāre + ti
ākaṅkhamānena prp masc instr sg of ākaṅkhamāna by desiring, who wants √kaṅkh (wish for) √kaṅkh + ṃa > kaṅkha ā + kaṅkha + māna
bhikkhunā noun masc instr sg of bhikkhu, from bhikkhati by a monk, monastic beggar, mendicant √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u
dvattipattapūrā noun masc nom pl of dvattipattapūra, comp two or three bowls full dvi + ti + patta + pūra mixed dviti + pattapūra
- dvatti adj comp two or three dve + ti dvanda dva + ti
- pattapūrā noun masc nom pl of pattapūra, comp bowls full; bowl-full patta + pūra kammadhāraya patta + pūra
- - patta noun masc bowl √pā (drink) √pā + ta
- - pūrā adj full; filled up √pūr (fill) √pūr + a
paṭiggahetabbā ptp masc nom pl of paṭigahetabba can be accepted, can be taken √gah (grasp) gah + ṇhā > gahe (irreg) pati + gahe + tabba

tato ce uttari paṭiggaṇheyya, pācittiyaṃ. dvattipattapūre paṭiggahetvā tato nīharitvā bhikkhūhi saddhiṃ saṃvibhajitabbaṃ, ayaṃ tattha sāmīci.
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
tato ind adv, abl sg of ta after, then from that ta + to
ce ind cond if
uttari ind adv, acc sg of uttara more, moreover, furthermore higher √tar (cross) ud + √tar + a + i
patigaṇheyya verb opt 3rd sg, from paṭiggaṇhāti +acc could take; would accept; could receive grasp back √gah (grasp) √gah + ṇhā > gaṇhā paṭi + √gaṇhā + ti
pācittiyaṃ adj nt nom sg of pācittiya +loc requiring confession
dvattipattapūre noun masc acc pl of dvattipattapūra, comp two or three bowls full dvi + ti + patta + pūra mixed dviti + pattapūra
paṭiggahetvā abs abs of paṭiggaṇhāti having accepted, taken having personally grabbed √gah (grasp) √gah + ṇhā > gahe paṭi + gahe + tvā
tato ind adv, abl sg of ta from there, from that place from that ta + to
nīharitvā verb abs of nīharati having taken away carried away √har (carry) nī + √har + itvā
bhikkhūhi noun masc instr pl of bhikkhu with monks √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u
saddhiṃ ind prep +instr together with
saṃvibhajitabbaṃ ptp nt nom sg of saṃvibhajitabba (that) should be divided; should be shared to be divided together √bhaj (divide, distribute) saṃ + vi + √bhaj + itabba
ayaṃ pron fem nom sg of ima this
tattha ind adv, from ta there ta + ttha
sāmīci noun fem nom sg right thing to do, correct course, proper procedure