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NP 16 eḷakalomasikkhāpadaṃ

bhikkhuno pan'eva addhānamaggappaṭipannassa eḷakalomāni uppajjeyyuṃ, ākaṅkhamānena bhikkhunā paṭiggahetabbāni, paṭiggahetvā tiyojanaparamaṃ sahatthā haritabbāni asante hārake.
tato ce uttari hareyya, asante'pi hārake, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ.

bhikkhuno pan'eva addhānamaggappaṭipannassa eḷakalomāni uppajjeyyuṃ, ākaṅkhamānena bhikkhunā paṭiggahetabbāni, paṭiggahetvā tiyojanaparamaṃ sahatthā haritabbāni asante hārake.
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
bhikkhuno noun masc dat sg of bhikkhu, from bhikkhati for a monk, monastic beggar, mendicant √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u
paneva comp sandhi, ind + ind and just, and now pana + eva
addhānamaggappaṭipannassa adj masc dat sg of addhānamaggapgaṭipanna, comp for (a monk) who has undertaken a long road journey addhāna + magga + paṭipanna accusative tappurisa addhānamaggaṃ + paṭipanna
- addhāna noun nt journey stretch
- magga noun masc road, path searching √magg (seek, search) √magg + a
- paṭipannassa pp masc dat sg of paṭipanna, pp of paṭipajjati for (a monk) undertaken, engaged √pad (go, step) pati + √pad + na
eḷakalomāni noun nt nom pl of eḷakaloma, comp goat wool goat hairs eḷaka + loma genitive tappurisa eḷakassa + loma
uppajjeyyuṃ verb opt 3rd pl of uppajjati it could arise, become available they come up √pad (go, step) √pad + ya > pajja ud + pajja + ti
ākaṅkhamānena prp masc instr sg of ākaṅkhamāna by desiring, who wants √kaṅkh (wish for) √kaṅkh + ṃa > kaṅkha ā + kaṅkha + māna
bhikkhunā noun masc instr sg of bhikkhu, from bhikkhati by a monk, monastic beggar, mendicant √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u
paṭiggahetabbāni ptp nt nom pl of paṭiggahetabba can be accepted, acceptable to be personally grasped √gah (grasp) √gah + ṇhā > gahe paṭi + gahe + tabba
paṭiggahetvā abs abs of paṭiggaṇhāti having accepted, taken having personally grabbed √gah (grasp) √gah + ṇhā > gahe paṭi + gahe + tvā
tiyojanaparamaṃ ind adv, comp for three yojanas at the most ti + yojana + parama
- ti card three
- yojana noun nt approx 2 km yoking √yuj (yoke, join) √yuj + *e > yoje yoje + ana
- paramaṃ ind adv, acc sg of parama at the most, for a maximum of para + ma + aṃ
sahatthā ind adv, instr sg of sahattha by one's own hand, personally with own hand
- sa pron one's own
- hatthā noun masc instr sg of hattha with hand
haritabbāni ptp nt nom pl of haritabba can be carried √har (carry) √har + itabba
asante prp masc loc sg of asanta, loc abs when not present, not existing, when there is no not being √as (be) √as + a > sa na + sa + nta
hārake noun masc loc sg of hāraka, agent of harati when a carrier, bearer, porter √har (carry) √har+ *aka

tato ce uttari hareyya, asante'pi hārake, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ.
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
tato ind adv, abl sg of ta after, then from that ta + to
ce ind cond if
uttari ind adv, acc sg of uttara more, moreover, furthermore higher √tar (cross) ud + √tar + a + i
hareyya verb opt 3rd sg of harati he could carry √har (carry) √har + a > hara hara + ti
asantepi comp sandhi, prp + ind even when there is not even when not being asante + api
- asante prp masc loc sg of asanta, loc abs when not present, not existing, when there is no not being √as (be) √as + a > sa na + sa + nta
- api ind conj then, and, now, even (a)pi
hārake noun in not being when a carrier, bearer, porter √har (carry) √har+ *aka
nissaggiyaṃ ptp nt nom sg of nissaggiya involving relinquishment to be given up √sajj (relinquish, let loose) ni + √sajj > sagg + iya
pācittiyaṃ adj nt nom sg of pācittiya +loc requiring confession