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PD 2 dutiyapāṭidesanīyasikkhāpadaṃ

bhikkhū pan'eva kulesu nimantitā bhuñjanti, tatra ce sā bhikkhunī vosāsamānarūpā ṭhitā hoti
idha sūpaṃ detha, idha odanaṃ dethā’ti.
tehi bhikkhūhi sā bhikkhunī apasādetabbā
apasakka tāva bhagini, yāva bhikkhū bhuñjantī’ti.
ekassa'pi ce bhikkhuno na paṭibhāseyya taṃ bhikkhuniṃ apasādetuṃ
apasakka tāva bhagini, yāva bhikkhū bhuñjantī’ti
paṭidesetabbaṃ tehi bhikkhūhi gārayhaṃ, āvuso, dhammaṃ āpajjimhā asappāyaṃ pāṭidesanīyaṃ, taṃ paṭidesemā’ti.

bhikkhū pan'eva kulesu nimantitā bhuñjanti, tatra ce sā bhikkhunī vosāsamānarūpā ṭhitā hoti
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
bhikkhū noun masc nom pl, from bhikkhati monks, monastics beggars, mendicants √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u
paneva comp sandhi, ind + ind and just, and now pana + eva
kulesu noun nt loc pl of kula in families √kul (be close) √kul + a
nimantitā pp masc nom pl of nimantita invited √mant (counsel, invite) ni + √mant + ita
bhuñjanti verb pr 3rd pl of bhuñjati they are eating √bhuj (eat, enjoy) √bhuj + ṃa > bhuñja bhuñja + ti
tatra ind adv, from ta there, in this case, in this regard there ta + tra
ce ind cond if
pron fem nom sg of ta she, that
bhikkhunī noun fem nom sg of bhikkhunī nun female beggar √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u + [n] + ī
vosāsamānarūpā adj fem nom sg of vosāsamānarūpa, comp as if ordering; like commanding ordering form vosāsamāna + rūpā kammadhāraya vosāsamāna + rūpā
- vosāsamāna prp of vosāsati ordering; commanding √sās (teach) √sās + a > sāsa vi + ava + sāsa + māna
- rūpā adj fem nom sg of rūpa like, as if form √rūp (produce) √rūp + a
ṭhitā pp fem nom sg of ṭhita standing stood √ṭhā (stand) √ṭhā + ita
hoti verb pr 3rd sg +nom there is it is √hū (be) √hū + a > ho ho + ti

idha sūpaṃ detha, idha odanaṃ dethā’ti.
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
idha ind adv here ima + dha
sūpaṃ noun masc acc sg of sūpa dahl; lentil curry
detha verb imp 2nd pl of detu you all must give! √dā (give) √dā + a > de de + ti
idha ind adv here ima + dha
odanaṃ noun nt acc sg of odana rice wet, boiled √ud (be wet) √ud > od + *ana
dethāti comp sandhi, imp + ind detha + iti
detha verb imp 2nd pl of detu you all must give! √dā (give) √dā + a > de de + ti

tehi bhikkhūhi sā bhikkhunī apasādetabbā
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
tehi pron masc instr pl of ta by these
bhikkhūhi noun masc instr pl of bhikkhu, comp with monks √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u
pron fem nom sg of ta she, that
bhikkhunī noun fem nom sg of bhikkhunī nun female beggar √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u + [n] + ī
apasādetabbā ptp fem nom sg of apasādetabba should be discouraged; should be reprimanded to be caused to sink away √sad (sink, sit, settle) √sad + *e > sāde apa + sāde + tabba

apasakka tāva bhagini, yāva bhikkhū bhuñjantī’ti.
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
apasakka verb imp 2nd sg of apasakkatu, from apasakkati go away! begone! move away √sakk (move) apa + √sakk + ati
tāva ind adv as long as, while ta + ?
bhagini noun fem voc of bhaginī sister, woman √bhaj (divide, distribute) √bhaj > bhag + a + inī
yāva ind adv, prep +dat until, as long as
bhikkhū noun masc nom pl, from bhikkhati monks, monastics beggars, mendicants √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u
bhuñjantīti comp sandhi, pr + ind bhuñjanti + iti
- bhuñjanti verb pr 3rd pl of bhuñjati they are eating √bhuj (eat, enjoy) √bhuj + ṃa > bhuñja bhuñja + ti
- iti ind “” thus

ekassa'pi ce bhikkhuno na paṭibhāseyya taṃ bhikkhuniṃ apasādetuṃ
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
ekassapi comp pron + ind to even one; to a single one ekassa + api
- ekassa pron masc dat sg of eka to one; to a single one eka + ssa
- api ind conj, comp then, and, now, even (a)pi
ce ind cond if
bhikkhuno noun masc dat sg of bhikkhu, from bhikkhati for a monk, monastic beggar, mendicant √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u
na ind neg not
paṭibhāseyya 1 verb opt 3rd sg of paṭibhāsati +dat it would occur; it would come to mind; it would pop up shine back √bhā (shine, speak) √bhā + a > bhā > bhāsa pati + bhāsa + ti
paṭibhāseyya 2 verb opt 3rd sg of paṭibhāsati he would speak against; he would object speak back √bhās (speak) √bhās + a > bhāsa pati + bhāsa + ti
taṃ pron masc acc sg of ta that
bhikkhuniṃ noun fem acc sg of bhikkhunī nun female beggar √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u + [n] + ī
apasādetuṃ verb inf of apasādeti to discourage; to rebuke to cause to sink away √sad (sink, sit, settle) √sad + *e > sāde apa + sāde + tuṃ

apasakka tāva bhagini, yāva bhikkhū bhuñjantī’ti
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
apasakka verb imp 2nd sg of apasakkatu, from apasakkati go away! begone! move away √sakk (move) apa + √sakk + ati
tāva ind adv as long as, while ta + ?
bhagini noun fem voc of bhaginī sister, woman √bhaj (divide, distribute) √bhaj > bhag + a + inī
yāva ind adv, prep +dat until, as long as
bhikkhū noun masc nom pl, from bhikkhati monks, monastics beggars, mendicants √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u
bhuñjantīti comp sandhi, pr + ind bhuñjanti + iti

paṭidesetabbaṃ tehi bhikkhūhi gārayhaṃ, āvuso, dhammaṃ āpajjimhā asappāyaṃ pāṭidesanīyaṃ, taṃ paṭidesemā’ti.
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
paṭidesetabbaṃ ptp nt nom sg of paṭidesetabba it should be acknowledged, admitted √dis (teach, explain) √dis + *e > dese pati + dese + tabba
tehi pron masc instr pl of ta by these
bhikkhūhi noun masc instr pl of bhikkhu, comp with monks √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u
gārayhaṃ ptp masc acc sg of gārayha blameworthy to be blamed √garah (blame) √garah + *ya
āvuso noun masc voc sg or pl of āyasmant friend(s), brother(s) having long life āyas + mant
dhammaṃ noun masc acc sg of dhamma act, practice, behaviour √dhar (hold) √dhar + ma
āpajjimhā verb aor 1st pl of āpajji, from āpajjati we committed, did √pad (go, step) √pad + ya > pajja ā + pajja + ti
asappāyaṃ adj masc acc sg of asappāya unsuitable; unwholesome unhealthy √i (come, go) na + saṃ + pa + √i + *a
pāṭidesanīyaṃ ptp masc acc sg of pāṭidesanīya should be admitted; should be acknowledged √dis (teach, explain) √dis + *e > dese pati + dese + anīya
taṃ pron masc acc sg of ta that
paṭidesemāti comp sandhi, pr + ind paṭidesema + iti
- paṭidesema verb pr 1st pl of paṭidesati we admit; acknowledge √dis (point out, explain) √dis + *e > dese pati + dese + ti
- iti ind “” thus