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SE 68 chamāsikkhāpadaṃ

na chamāyaṃ nisīditvā āsane nisinnassa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmī'ti sikkhā karaṇīyā.

na chamāyaṃ nisīditvā āsane nisinnassa agilānassa dhammaṃ desessāmī'ti sikkhā karaṇīyā.
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
na ind neg not
chamāyaṃ noun fem loc sg of chamā on the earth √kham (endure) √kham > cham + ā
nisīditvā verb abs of nisīdati having sat down √sad (sink, sit, settle) √sad + a > sīda ni + sīda + ti
āsane noun nt loc sg of āsana on a seat √ās (sit) √ās + ana
nisinnassa pp masc dat sg of nisinna to seated (a person), sitting √sad √sad + a > sīda ni + sīda + na
agilānassa adj masc dat sg of agilāna to (someone who is) not sick √gilā (be sick, tired) na + √gilā + ana
dhammaṃ noun masc acc sg of dhamma act, practice, behaviour √dhar (hold) √dhar + ma
desessāmīti comp sandhi, fut + ind desissāmi + iti
sikkhā noun fem nom sg, comp training, precept, training precept √sikkh (train) √sikkh + ā
karaṇīyā noun nt abl sg of karaṇīya, ptp of karoti, comp duty; obligation; business; something to be done to be done √kar (do, make) √kar + aṇīya