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NP 28 accekacīvarasikkhāpadaṃ

das'āh'ānāgataṃ kattikatemāsikapuṇṇamaṃ bhikkhuno pan'eva accekacīvaraṃ uppajjeyya, accekaṃ maññamānena bhikkhunā paṭiggahetabbaṃ
paṭiggahetvā yāva cīvarakālasamayaṃ nikkhipitabbaṃ. tato ce uttari nikkhipeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ.

das'āh'ānāgataṃ kattikatemāsikapuṇṇamaṃ bhikkhuno pan'eva accekacīvaraṃ uppajjeyya, accekaṃ maññamānena bhikkhunā paṭiggahetabbaṃ
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
dasāhānāgataṃ adj fem acc sg of dasāhānāgata, comp ten days before ten days in the future dasa + aha + anāgata kammadhāraya dasāha + anāgata
- dasa card x pl ten
- aha noun nt day(s)
- anāgataṃ adj fem acc sg of anāgata not come; in the future √gam (go) na + ā + √gam + ta
kattikatemāsikapuṇṇamaṃ noun fem acc sg of kattikatemāsikapuṇṇamā, comp full moon in Pleiades at the end of the three month rains retreat kattika + temāsika + puṇṇamā genitive tappurisa kattikāya + temāsikapuṇṇamā
- kattikā noun fem Pleiades
- temāsika adj related to three months, three monthly ti + māsa + *ika
- - te card in comp from ti three ti > te
- - māsika adj related to months, monthly √mā (measure) √mā + sa + ika
- puṇṇamaṃ noun fem acc sg of puṇṇamā, comp full moon puṇṇa + mā kammadhāraya puṇṇa + mā
- - puṇṇa adj full, complete √pūr (fill) √pūr + na
- - maṃ noun fem acc sg of mā moon
bhikkhuno noun masc dat sg of bhikkhu, from bhikkhati for a monk, monastic beggar, mendicant √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u
paneva comp sandhi, ind + ind and just, and now pana + eva
accekacīvaraṃ noun nt nom sg of accekacīvara, comp exceptional robe, extraordinary robe acceka + cīvara kammadhāraya acceka + cīvara
- acceka adj extraordinary, urgent coming beyond √i (come, go) ati + ā + √i + ka
- cīvaraṃ noun nt nom sg of cīvara robe cloth
uppajjeyya verb opt 3rd sg of uppajjati it could appear, becomes available comes up √pad (go, step) √pad + ya > pajja ud + pajja + ti
accekaṃ noun nt acc sg of acceka an exceptional circumstance, extraordinary robe √i (come, go) ati + ā + √i + ka
maññamānena prp masc instr sg of maññamāna by thinking, by perceiving √man (think) √man + ya > mañña mañña + māna
bhikkhunā noun masc instr sg of bhikkhu, from bhikkhati by a monk, monastic beggar, mendicant √bhikkh (beg) √bhikkh + u
paṭiggahetabbaṃ ptp nt acc sg of paṭiggahetabba can be accepted, acceptable to be personally grasped √gah (grasp) √gah + ṇhā > gahe paṭi + gahe + tabba

paṭiggahetvā yāva cīvarakālasamayaṃ nikkhipitabbaṃ. tato ce uttari nikkhipeyya, nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ.
pāḷi pos grammar case meaning meaning_lit root base construction compound_type compound_construction
paṭiggahetvā abs abs of paṭiggaṇhāti having accepted, taken having personally grabbed √gah (grasp) √gah + ṇhā > gahe paṭi + gahe + tvā
yāva ind adv, prep +dat until, as long as
cīvarakālasamayaṃ ind masc acc sg of cīvarakālasamaya, comp robe-making time cīvarakāla + samaya genitive tappurisa cīvarakālassa + samaya
- cīvarakāla noun masc, comp robe-making time robe time cīvara + kāla kammadhāraya cīvara + kāla
- samayaṃ noun masc acc sg of samaya time, occasion coming together √i (come, go) saṃ + √i + *a
nikkhipitabbaṃ ptp nt nom sg of nikkhipitabba can be stored, kept to be thrown down √khip (throw) ni + √khip + itabba
tato ind adv, abl sg of ta after, then from that ta + to
ce ind cond if
uttari ind adv, acc sg of uttara more, moreover, furthermore higher √tar (cross) ud + √tar + a + i
nikkhipeyya verb opt 3rd sg, from nikkhipati he should keep, store throw down √khip (throw) √khip + a > khipa ni + khipa + ti
nissaggiyaṃ ptp nt nom sg of nissaggiya, comp involving relinquishment to be given up √sajj (relinquish, let loose) ni + √sajj > sagg + iya
pācittiyaṃ adj nt nom sg of pācittiya +loc requiring confession